COVID Support
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Emotional wellbeing, parenthood and COVID
It’s been an uncertain time for so many but none more so than expectant and new parents who often feel alone, isolated and vulnerable as they embark on their journey to parenthood. The current environment of uncertain change is however underpinned by a continuing sense of community and care and a deep understanding in our shared humanity to connect, encourage others and ultimately prevail.
At Gidget Foundation Australia, we encourage expectant and new parents to be gentle with themselves, to show kindness to those who falter and to know that this time of uncertainty will enable us to ultimately appreciate our togetherness. We have a range of videos, fact sheets, resources and clinical treatment programs available to support expectant and new parents during this time.
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COVID support videos
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Start Talking Telehealth
The experience of perinatal depression and anxiety is even tougher during these uncertain global times.
Being a new parent can be isolating at the best of times during the current global health crisis, it is even more critical that we connect and support new parents.
Never has there been a more important time to be united in all that we do, to be kind to each other and to focus on taking care of ourselves and our families.
What is Start Talking?
Gidget Foundation Australia’s Start Talking program provides free specialist perinatal telehealth counselling services for expectant and new parents nationwide.
Services are provided by Gidget Clinicians and are delivered via a video call service similar to FaceTime or Skype.
Start Talking offers the same quality of care available through Gidget Foundation Australia’s face-to-face services at Gidget House, affording quality treatment.
Support is also provided to people who have experienced a pregnancy or childbirth-related loss such as stillbirth, miscarriage or termination within the last 12 months.
Partners are also able to access our specialised services.
Our perinatal mental health specialists provide a minimum of 10 psychological counselling sessions free of charge within a calendar year. To access Start Talking, you will need a referral from a GP including a mental health care plan.
Download our Frequently Asked Questions to find out more about the Covid Telehealth service.
For more information or to book an appointment, send our supportive staff an email on starttalking@gidgetfoundation.org.au or call us on 1300 851 758.
Accessing this service
Helpful COVID Health info
- National Coronavirus Helpline: 1800 020 080
- Australian Government Coronavirus (COVID) Health Alert: ACCESS DAILY UPDATES
- Health Direct Coronavirus (COVID): ACCESS DAILY UPDATES
- The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: ACCESS DAILY UPDATES
Additional Parent Support Videos
Information for healthcare professionals
Are you a GP who has a patient experiencing perinatal depression and anxiety?
Download our GP information sheet.
If you are a general psychologist, clinical psychologist or accredited mental health social worker and you would like to be involved in Start Talking or any of Gidget Foundation Australia’s other programs, please email us at starttalking@gidgetfoundation.org.au or call us on 1300 851 758.
Need urgent help?
1300 726 306
Mon-Fri 9.00am to 7.30pm
Saturdays and PH 9:00am to 4:00pm

1300 22 4636
Helpline is open 24 hours/day

13 11 14
Helpline is open 24 hours/day
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COVID fact sheets
Resources for expectant and new parents.
Need urgent help?
We're here for you
Make an enquiry and our friendly team will be in contact with you.