Gidget Angel Stories
Gidget Angel Stories
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"One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will become someone else's survival guide."
(Brene Brown)
Gidget Foundation Australia is fortunate to have a dedicated group of parents who have generously shared their stories to support us and others. In recognition of their commitment and bravery, we call them our Gidget Angels.
Gidget Foundation Australia recognises all those with lived experience of perinatal mental ill-health and their loved ones. Lived experience is at the heart of everything we do, and we carry these experiences gently with compassion and respect. We are truly grateful for all those who choose to share their stories and we acknowledge those who carry these stories quietly.
Content includes: suicidal ideation, self harm, pregnancy loss, stillbirth, TFMR.
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