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What to expect at your appointment with a hospital Midwife

Making your appointment

Pregnancy can be an exciting time, full of anticipation, especially for first time parents. During this journey you will experience new thoughts and emotions, attend more health-related appointments and face important decisions. As you are having your baby at a private hospital that collaborates with Gidget Foundation Australia, you will receive an invitation to schedule an appointment with a Midwife during your pregnancy. This is our way of providing you with additional support and care.  

Your appointment may be a face-to-face meeting at your hospital or a phone consultation. To learn more about how to schedule your appointment, please get in touch with the ‘Maternity Bookings team’ at your hospital. We look forward to the opportunity to connect with you and provide the care you deserve during your pregnancy.

At your appointment

The midwife will:  

  • Talk with you about the appointment and what will be covered.
  • Ask questions about your general health, emotional wellbeing, family history and your current pregnancy and previous pregnancies (if applicable).
  • Listen to any concerns and/or current stresses you are experiencing.
  • Get to know you and give you time to ask questions.
  • Work together to identify and prioritise your needs and make a care and/or referral plan if necessary.
  • With your permission, talk with your Obstetrician to continue to provide continuity of care for you.


Everything discussed at the appointment is confidential. Occasionally, certain matters are identified that require follow up with your Obstetrician and other health professionals. Rest assured that if any such situations arise, you will be promptly informed.

If the Midwife suggests a referral to Gidget Foundation Australia, or another health professional or service, it will be discussed with your Obstetrician whose role is to continue to support you. Our aim is to work collaboratively to provide you with the best possible support during your pregnancy journey.  

Don’t forget that your GP is also available to discuss your health and mental health needs, particularly if you notice the harder days outweighing the good. There are factsheets and other helpful bits of information on the Gidget Foundation Australia website too that you may find interesting.


Need urgent help?

1300 726 306
Mon-Fri 9.00am to 7.30pm
Saturdays and PH 9:00am to 4:00pm


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Helpline is open 24 hours/day