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Gidget kindness ideas #gidgetkind

“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” (Maya Angelou)

Kindness is one of the things that we can do anytime!

Acts of kindness benefit everyone involved: They are a form of self-care as well as a welcome remedy to the feelings of overwhelm, isolation and anxiety. They can bring a smile to someone’s day.

Expectant and new parents can be isolated due to their lifestyle change and/or recent arrival of a baby and kindness can connect us in lovely ways to support those who need us most. New ways of connecting and showing care have been opened up to us, so we can either work out ways to show kindness in person or via virtual platforms.

Sharing kindness

Be inspired to radiate a little extra kindness with our list of ideas
  • Take and share cute photos of your pets, this always creates a bit of cheer!
  • Leave kind notes on the social media pages of new parents, family and friends that you follow.
  • Bake a cake for a new parent or neighbour you have never met; use it as an opportunity to introduce yourself.
  • Drop off a meal to a new parent.
  • If you can, consider donating blood.
  • Let a mum or dad with young kids go in front of you in a queue.
  • Write some kind, motivational messages to expectant and new parents that you know and send them by text or email.
  • Call a friend who might be having a rough time.
  • Did you know that you can watch Netflix with friends virtually? Learn how to set it up here: https://www.netflixparty.com
  • Offer to wash someone’s car while you are doing your own.
  • If you spot a busy or flustered mum or dad share a smile and a compliment.
  • Try some Facebook Messenger calls with the fun filters.
  • Connect with an old school or work friend on social media or in person.
  • Consider helping a busy parent who is struggling with their groceries or shopping.
  • Send a card to someone in your community who makes a difference (e.g. nurse, postman).
  • Play a game with someone either in person or online (e.g. Words with Friends).
  • Remind loved ones how much they mean to you by sending photos and kind notes.
  • Arrange for a cup of tea (either in person or virtually) with a new parent who might feel isolated with their new-born.
  • Offer to do some gardening for a busy new parent.
  • Share funny jokes or memes on social media and tag a few new parents to brighten their day.
  • Donate to charity; sit down with your family to research the causes you are care about.
  • Send a random note of thanks each weekday to a colleague or someone in your work network
  • When paying for something for yourself, offer to pay for something of someone else’s.
  • Offer to mentor or help someone at work or in your community.
  • Look into ways that you can virtually support businesses that are run by parents for parents, by shopping online.
  • Send a pre-paid coffee card for your local cafes to teachers and frontline workers or drop a coffee off to someone who needs it.
  • Do some research into your local charities that are supporting expectant and new parents; consider volunteering or donating.
  • Offer to walk dogs or babysit children to give parents a break.
  • Consider sending a care package to a new parent in your neighbourhood.

If you have any additional #gidgetkind ideas, please let us know.
We would love to hear from you! contact@gidgetfoundation.org.au

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