Understanding family violence and abuse during pregnancy
Even when people start their path to parenthood in a healthy supportive relationship where they feel respected and safe, the stressors of parenting can change relationship dynamics and make a home unsafe. It is important to be aware of the early warning signs of relationship breakdown and be prepared to act to resolve conflict. Relationships Australia offers counselling options across many locations in Australia.
Unhealthy Relationships
Unhealthy relationships affect the wellbeing and happiness of one or both partners. A relationship may be unhealthy if it includes behaviours that are unsupportive, disrespectful, controlling or dishonest. Unhealthy relationships can include abusive behaviours such as yelling, name-calling, sulking, or withholding intimacy, love or affection. More than one partner can contribute to the cycle of an unhealthy relationship. Behaviours are often reactionary, and sometimes it may be that one or both people do not have the skills to support the other. This is especially challenging for those who have grown up in families where they have witnessed unhealthy communication or poor conflict resolution.
If one or both partners show unhealthy behaviours in their relationship, particularly during the perinatal period when there are additional stressors, there may be potential for it to escalate into abuse or violence. Family violence or abuse can increase during pregnancy.
Sometimes it can be hard to know what is normal and what is not. Many relationships go through ups and downs, but abuse is a repeating pattern of behaviour. It is important to know that no one should ever feel unsafe in a relationship. https://www.1800respect.org.au/healthy-relationships
Family Violence and Abuse
Family violence and abuse refers to a pattern of harm and control by one partner, and may include physical or sexual violence, psychological abuse, and controlling or coercive behaviours. It can also include aggression, threats, isolation from family and friends, verbal abuse, intimidation, withholding money, damage to property or pets, and threats to commit suicide as a form of manipulation. The experience of abuse is a risk to both physical safety and mental health, and to the health of a baby during pregnancy.
Expectant parents exposed to violence or abuse can experience depression and anxiety, difficulties bonding with their baby, and other physical or mental health issues. Family violence is also linked to lower birth weight, miscarriage, premature labour and foetal distress and injury.
Some midwives and doctors are trained to identify people who are at risk of family violence and abuse, although not all are equipped to recognise the signs. This situation can be harder still if a violent or controlling partner insists on attending all health appointments during pregnancy.
If this situation sounds familiar and it is not possible to speak directly with a midwife or doctor, it is vital to reach out to specialist services.
- 1800 Respect on 1800 737 732
- The Pregnancy, Birth and Baby helpline on 1800 882 436
- The national PANDA helpline 1300 726 306
- Triple 000 if there is an immediate threat to anyone’s safety
If there is no safe place in the home to make a phone call, consider phoning from a car, supermarket or other place outside home or borrow a friend’s phone if that is safer. It can be a very difficult call to make and there are many emotions involved.
Experienced health professionals understand the complexities of family violence. Remember it is illegal for anyone to assault another person, even if they are married or living together.
Other helpful resources
- Better Health Channel
- Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
- 1800 Respect
- MensLine Australian - Change for Good
Date of Last Review: August 2021