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Partner hospital

Make a referral

Gidget Foundation Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to support the mental health of expectant, new and potential parents to ensure they receive accessible, timely and specialist care. Once we receive a referral, we will contact the client to discuss treatment availability and next steps.

Accessing services

If you wish to make to a third party or inpatient referral to our service, please call 1300 851 758 and advise that you are calling from a partner hospital and would like to speak with the Clinical Intake Team.
Leave your details for our Clinical Intake Coordinators to contact you back directly.

Referrals reopening soon

Monday January 13th, 2025

To manage increased demand for services during this time, we will not be accepting new referrals or enquiries until Monday, 13th January 2025. For support during this period, we suggest that you please reach out to your GP, trusted healthcare professional, family, and friends. We also have a range of information and resources available for you to explore at any time.

Frances Perry House icon
Frances Perry House

Corner Flemington Rd & Grattan St, Parkville, VIC 3052

Northern Beaches Hospital icon
Northern Beaches Private Hospital

105 Frenchs Forest Rd West, Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086

Greenslopes Private Hospital icon
Greenslopes Private Hospital

Newdegate Rd, Greenslopes, QLD 4120

North Shore Private Hospital icon
North Shore Private Hospital

3 Westbourne St, St Leonards NSW 2065

Kareena Private Hospital icon
Kareena Private Hospital

86 Kareena Rd, Caringbah NSW 2229

St Vincent’s Private Hospital Fitzroy icon
St Vincent’s Private Hospital Fitzroy

59 Victoria Pde, Fitzroy, VIC 3065

Mater Hospital icon
Mater Hospital

25 Rocklands Rd, North Sydney, NSW 2060

Westmead Private Hospital icon
Westmead Private Hospital

12 Mons Rd, Westmead, NSW 2145

Not from a partner hospital?

Health professionals can click below to make a referral.

Frequently asked questions

Before you refer

What does a client need to access the services of GFA?

In order to access our service, GFA requires the completion of a Gidget Foundation Australia online GP Referral and Mental Health Treatment Plan.
If you are a GP referring a patient to our service for the first time under Better Access, please complete the online GP Initial Referral and Mental Health Treatment Plan.
If you are a GP providing a re-referral for additional sessions, subsequent to those within your initial referral under their existing Mental Health Treatment Plan, please complete the online GP Re-Referral Form.
If you are a Third-Party Referrer providing a referral for your client to access our services, please complete the online Third-Party Referral Form.

*This referral is not sufficient for clients to receive our Better Access service; a GP referral and Mental Health Treatment Plan will still be required.

What are the patient eligibility requirements?

GFA services are provided to people throughout the perinatal period: from conception up until their baby is 12 months old. GFA offers support to those experiencing or at risk of developing perinatal depression, anxiety or perinatal related stress disorders. Support is also provided to those people and their partners who have experienced birth trauma or pregnancy related loss, including stillbirth, miscarriage or termination. The entire Gidget team provides care that is safe, effective and evidence informed within the parameters of the resources available to us. As a result, we are unable to accept referrals for people in crisis including those with:

  • Current or enduring psychotic illness;
  • Current serious suicidal, homicidal or infanticidal ideation;
  • Current serious substance abuse that requires medical intervention;
  • Current child protection and/or family violence or issues requiring Department of Communities and Justice involvement.

If we receive a referral that includes any of the above, Gidget Foundation Australia will notify the person’s GP so they can refer to a more suitable service.

How to screen and assess for PNDA?

The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is a commonly used screening questionnaire in the perinatal period with a standard scoring guide.
GFA supports those experiencing mild to moderate perinatal depression and anxiety. If your patient answers 1 or more on Q10 relating to self-harm and this is current or they have an EDPS score of higher than 14, we ask for careful consideration as to whether they require a more acute service. We encourage you to contact our Program Clinician on 1300 851 758 to discuss the individual needs of your patient and their suitability for our service. The Depression, Anxiety and Stress scale 21 items (DASS 21) is a set of three self-report scales designed to measure the emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress. A scoring guide is also available.
GFA supports those experiencing mild to moderate perinatal depression and anxiety. If your patient’s score on the DASS 21 is ‘severe’ (as defined in the scoring guide), we ask for careful consideration as to whether they should be referred to a more acute service. We encourage you to contact our Program Clinician on 1300 851 758 to discuss the individual needs of your patient and their suitability for our service.

What can my patient expect once the Referral and Mental Health Treatment Plan have been completed?

Once you have completed the online GP Initial Referral and Mental Health Treatment Plan, we will contact your patient requesting the completion of some paperwork for our intake team. Once reviewed, we will contact your patient to confirm whether they are suitable for our service and next steps. In instances, where the patient's chosen GFA location has a waitlist, alternative options will be discussed, where possible.

What is the waitlist process?

When there is availability with a Clinician, at the preferred location, the next client on the waitlist will be contacted and we will proceed to book them into the GFA Clinician diary for psychological counselling.

What are the National Perinatal Mental Health Guidelines?

The National Perinatal Mental Health Guidelines were reviewed and updated in 2023. The scope of the National Guideline includes the assessment of the high prevalence disorders and the treatment and management of these, together with severe mental illnesses in primary care settings. New additions to the 2023 Guideline include screening and psychosocial assessment for fathers and non-birthing partners and the management of psychological birth trauma.

Disorders covered in the Guideline include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Puerperal Psychosis
  • Schizophrenia (new)
  • Borderline Personality Disorder (new)

How can Gidget Foundation Australia help someone struggling with PNDA?

At Gidget Foundation Australia we have experienced perinatal specialist clinicians who are ready to support you and offer at least 10 Medicare bulk-billed psychological counselling sessions per calendar year. There is no cost to you for these sessions. These can be either face-to-face or via a video call, called Telehealth. All you need for Telehealth is a tablet/PC and an internet connection. You will be advised which service you can access when you call.

I think myself or a friend is experiencing perinatal depression or anxiety. What should I do next?

If support from friends and family is not enough, there are many health professionals whom you can turn to, like your GP. It can be a bit daunting to reach out for either yourself or someone close to you, but health professionals know how hard it can be and know that these anxious and depressive feelings can be treated and how common they are. A GP may refer you to a counsellor, psychologist or a psychiatrist which can be helpful as you adjust to this new life. At Gidget Foundation Australia we take great care in delivering our service from start to finish.

How can Gidget Foundation Australia help someone struggling with PNDA?

At Gidget Foundation Australia we have experienced perinatal specialist clinicians who are ready to support you and offer at least 10 Medicare bulk-billed psychological counselling sessions per calendar year. There is no cost to you for these sessions. These can be either face-to-face or via a video call, called Telehealth. All you need for Telehealth is a tablet/PC and an internet connection. You will be advised which service you can access when you call.

I think myself or a friend is experiencing perinatal depression or anxiety. What should I do next?

If support from friends and family is not enough, there are many health professionals whom you can turn to, like your GP. It can be a bit daunting to reach out for either yourself or someone close to you, but health professionals know how hard it can be and know that these anxious and depressive feelings can be treated and how common they are. A GP may refer you to a counsellor, psychologist or a psychiatrist which can be helpful as you adjust to this new life. At Gidget Foundation Australia we take great care in delivering our service from start to finish.

How can Gidget Foundation Australia help someone struggling with PNDA?
I think myself or a friend is experiencing perinatal depression or anxiety. What should I do next?

Do you have a general enquiry?

For all general enquiries, please click below or contact our friendly team on 1300 851 758